
Top 5 Commonly Missed Areas In DIY Cleaning

Cleaning is a task that most people rush through, so it’s possible to overlook a few places, maybe because people need to remember about them or give them more attention. However, this neglect on your side can be the cause of why the household members feel sick regularly or you have foul odors in your home.

It is simple to fall into a cleaning habit that lasts throughout the year. While repeatedly going over the same places may give the impression that your home is cleaner, it also promotes continued neglect of the dirty spots. Here are five areas of the house that are frequently neglected but can help your house feel entirely clean if you pay them for the care they require.

5 Most Commonly Missed Areas During DIY Cleaning

1. High Touchpoints

More than 3,000 germs are present in the hands of the average individual. Most of these germs and bacteria are spread through contact with various surfaces in your house and public areas. The term “high touchpoint zones” is another name for these surfaces. You must understand the method of cleaning high touchpoints if you want to keep away from coming into contact with harmful bacteria.

High touchpoints include door knobs, light switches, cupboard handles, faucet levers, toilet flush, remote controls, gadgets, and keys. It’s a lot!

The Proper Way to Clean Touchpoints 

Cleaning frequently used parts of your home is essential to ensuring its safety and safeguarding yourself as well as your family from illness. To reduce the risk of disease and other health issues, you can do something simple daily, like clean the high touchpoints in your home.

Using a disinfectant product is one of the simplest ways to ensure that each of the above touchpoints is clean. You can be confident that all germs and bacteria that could cause health issues are eliminated in this way. Hard surfaces can be cleaned using warm soapy water or a clean cloth with hand sanitizer if you don’t want to invest in specialized cleaning supplies.

Consider using greater caution when cleaning other items, such as your cell phone, gadgets, and other forms of technology. You can utilize rubbing alcohol to keep it clean, like your remote control, keyboard, and electronics. Cleaning around buttons, keys, and other objects can be done using a cotton swab dipped in rubbing alcohol. You won’t need to worry about your devices becoming wet because rubbing alcohol dries so quickly.

2. Underneath the Furniture

Sometimes we only clean the areas we see, unconsciously disregarding the zones under our furniture. The furniture may be too heavy to move or too low to vacuum. Regardless of these reasons, it is still important to tackle these areas since dust and dirt can accumulate on them over time.

If you live alone, you can clean under and behind your furniture once or twice a month. But if you have pets and youngsters, you must vacuum it at least once a week.

How to Safely Clean Areas Underneath the Furniture

Not all furniture can be moved or slid beneath with ease. Moving items about on carpeted floors might be difficult, and you don’t want to scratch your hardwood floors by moving your furniture over them. Then you’ve got the heavy objects that look practically immovable.

Moving the furniture before you begin vacuuming to ensure it is thoroughly cleaned would be the wisest idea. Learn safe moving techniques before you move any furniture. These safety recommendations are meant to prevent you from getting hurt and from damaging the carpet or floors.

Tip #1: Dolly

If you really need to move the heavy items or if this is your once-a-year deep clean, think about using a standing dolly to slide beneath and lift things. For very heavy objects, however, make sure to seek the assistance of a relative or a friend.

Tip #2: Felt Pads

 If your home has vinyl or hardwood flooring, purchase felt pads at the feet of your coffee tables, bedside tables, or console table to make moving the furniture smoother. Your furniture will slide without becoming damaged as a result. Easy-slide rollers, which come in various sizes and designs, can be bought to help move your sofa, recliner, and ottoman easier and prevent scratches.

Tip #3: Risers

If you own bigger furniture that you cannot move, think about buying some risers to elevate the object somewhat higher than it presently stands. You’ll have more space each week to vacuum underneath. You can quickly get a sweeper under your couch by simply lifting one side of it and putting risers under the foot on that side.

Tip #4: Right Cleaning Tool

Invest in the right cleaning tools and supplies ideal for your home. If you have furniture that is not movable, it is best to have a Swiffer duster on hand. It can help you get under confined spaces. You can also use a vacuum cleaner that has a hose and other cleaning attachments to allow you to get into the hard-to-reach areas.

3. Baseboards

You may sweep or vacuum your floors regularly, but how about your baseboards? If you look closely at it, you may find a lot of dirt and dust build-up or stains sitting there for a long time. If you think cleaning the baseboard is challenging since kneeling or bending over is necessary, you’re mistaken. We list down some ways to clean your baseboards with ease.

How to Clean Baseboards Without Bending Over

Tip #1: Broom or vacuum with a hose and cleaning attachment

Sweepers and vacuums can effectively remove dust on your baseboards without kneeling or bending over. Use this technique for regular baseboard cleaning only.

Tip #2: Dryer sheets flat mop

Dryer sheets quickly remove pet fur, grime, and dust from baseboards and have a pleasant fragrance. The best part is that they provide the baseboards with a layer of dust protection.

Put a dryer sheet on your flat mop to clean your baseboard. By doing this, dust won’t gather on your boards. Overall, especially for pet owners, it’s a terrific way for routine baseboard cleaning.

Tip #3: Socks wrapped in a long stick

Don’t have a cleaning tool? Don’t worry! Use this DIY baseboard cleaner with just three simple items. Get an old clean sock, wrap it around a long stick, and then secure it with a rubber band. Slide it onto your baseboard to wipe them clean.

4. Air Vents

Cleaning the air vents is a frequently disregarded chore since many individuals don’t know it is needed or doesn’t want to do it. However, being careless or unaware might be harmful. One of the main places where viruses that cause illness are transferred is through air vents. As they repeatedly pass air, they may become dirty.

Unclean air vents may be to blame for worsened allergies and odors permeating the house. They quickly become filthy, and dirty air vents may lower the air quality inside your home. Keeping your air vents clean is a must. You have to clean them depending on how quickly they become dirty.

How to Clean Air Vents Using Vacuum and Soapy Water

You can thoroughly clean your air vents with just a few easy steps. Before you start, make sure that the air conditioning unit is turned off. Unscrew, then pull out the grilles of the vent. Clean the grilles with warm soapy water and a brush, then let them air dry totally. Vacuum the inside ducts to remove all of the dust and debris. Put back the grilles once it is dry.

If you see any mold and mildew, you must seek professional help to clean them safely. If you want to clean the area by yourself, make sure you know how to clean moldy spots properly because molds can produce allergic reactions and worsen respiratory problems.

5. Trash Can

Among the most frequently used things in our house, the trash can performs its purpose effectively but needs more thought and care. The can must be strong enough to hold anything we throw away.  The trash can will evidently need to be cleaned thoroughly even if you utilize plastic liners. It’s an easy task that only requires a few materials. You should probably start working now if you look closely.

Trash cans must be cleaned at least once a week, although some kitchen trash cans require more frequent emptying. Make an effort to inspect the bin after each emptying as part of the regular cleaning to see whether it needs a deeper cleaning to eliminate any remaining liquids or sticky stains.

Large rolling waste carts must also be cleaned routinely, at least monthly or weekly, based on seasonal conditions, to remove dirt and odors that draw insects and animals.

How to Clean a Trash Bin

Cleaning trash cans is better when you do it outdoors on sunny days. You’ll have a bigger workspace to wash the bin, which can quickly dry and get disinfected by sunlight. If you plan to clean it indoors, do it in a tub or a large utility sink. Always put a strainer on the drain to catch any crumbs or debris. 

Sprinkle baking soda inside newly rinsed plastic garbage cans that are not very dirty. Baking soda will be a mild abrasive to eliminate any stuck-on particles and fight odors. Use a brush with nylon bristles to scrub. Put warm water and one teaspoon dish soap or all-purpose cleanser if the can’s bottom is sticky. After around 30 minutes of soaking, clean the can using a brush.

Apply the same cleaning agents to remove any filth from the garbage can’s outside. Make sure to clean the exterior and interior of trash can lids that can be removed. Well-rinse the trash can’s interior. Large trash cans should be left with the cover open to air dry. Microfiber cloths or air drying can dry smaller plastic trash cans.

Once the trash bin has been cleaned, spray it with a disinfectant product to eliminate bacteria that produce odor or spread germs.


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